Friday, November 11, 2016

Now What?

The world watched in complete awe the night of November 8th with the revealing of the United State's 45th president to come: Donald J. Trump. If I am to speak bluntly for a moment, this outcome was so incredibly shocking! I was so ready to accept Hillary Clinton as our next president that I was already learning to say "Please do not shoot me, I did not vote for Hillary" in Russian. Since "Пожалуйста, не стреляйте в меня, я не голосовал за Хиллари" (credit to Google Translate) is a mouthful, you can probably imagine how relieved I was when Trump was elected. 

Image result for president donald trump victory speech

I was so concentrated on not wanting Hillary to become president that I completely disregarded what would happen if the Trumpinator was to be elected. Alas, Trump gave his victorious speech in New York upon winning, Clinton gave her concessional speech and current president Obama is urging a "peaceful transition of power". 
Image result for donald trump and obama

The obvious question is- what happens in America now that all the mind-blowing events have taken 
place? Clearly much is already happening if one is to take into consideration all the riots in, most recognizably, New York. There are now plenty of news reports featuring rioters that chant "Not my president!" in front of Trump Tower as they blatantly ignore their preferred candidate Hillary when she says, "we need to give Trump a chance".  

Although protests are blasted on the media, America's focus should be on the inevitable Trump presidency that awaits our country. Capital Public Radio has researched and written an article on Donald's plan for his first 100 days in office. In Gettysburg Trump spoke about his 100-day plan describing is as "a contract between himself and the American voter" which "begins with restoring honesty, accountability, and change to Washington". 

A few highlights of "Donald Trump's Contract With The American Voter" would include the following:

The cleaning-up of corruption in Washington, DC:

Trump proposes to minimize degeneracy with term limits. McConnel expressed his opposition to this idea stating "I would say we have term limits now — they're called elections." It is interesting, however, that McConnel, being a member of the senate (which does not have term limits) is against this movement.   

Trump also plans to put a freeze of the federal workforce (exempting military, public health, and public safety). A stop on hiring probably will not make the substantial difference to the economy that Trump wants. What would really affect the status quo is complete removal of corrupt departments. 

Another interesting policy he is proposing is "a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated" This may work wonders for citizen's liberties and be a minimization of government power assuming Trump can pull it off, only removing unnecessary bans.

Trump also plans to work with congress to introduce several border legislative measures which includes the "Middle-Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act". This is intended to simplify tax reduction by giving the middle class a 35% tax cut. At first glance, this seems impossible for our economy to afford. However, Trump may make this possible through repatriation. 
Repatriation is the process of returning something to its place of origin. The U.S. has trillions of dollars sitting in other countries, unused because it will be taxed if brought back to America. Trump's plan is to get that money back with a minimal tax. What happens then is the company to which the money belongs to invest the cash, hire more employees, and increase production. The whole economy can benefit from this. 

Trump seems to have incredible plans for our country- ones I hope the people and congress will support. Only time will tell whether or not he is capable of fulfilling such promises. For now, we must stand together and accept our new presidential elect who claims "if we follow these steps, we will once more have a government of, by and for the people. Trump is certainly a fighter and i'd love to see him keep fighting with the nation by his side!
Image result for president donald trump

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