Sunday, November 27, 2016

Electoral College a Sham?

After Trump won the election and became our president, (yes, even your president if you are a United States citizen) cries from the left have been shouting out loud ever since. What are they fighting against exactly? Democracy, practicality, and reality.

An imminent uproar followed when citizens discovered Trump not 
only won the electoral college but, apparently, lost the popular vote. Shortly after this current understanding, an article was published by the New York Times titled "The Electoral College Is Hated by Many. So Why Does It Endure?"

Writers of the article, Jonathan and Steve Eder go on to claim that the electoral college is "forever tipping (in favor to) rural/conservative/'white'/older voters". 

My response to that non-credible statement is puzzlement. Do the writers know how the electoral college works? When it comes to presidential elections, American citizens go out to vote every four years. The electoral college consists of 538 electors. Essentially, when voters go to the polls, they will choose which candidate receives their state’s electors. The candidate who receives a majority of electoral votes (270) wins the Presidency.

With this system, everyone gets a say in who ends up in the white house. The only way so-called "privileged" people could have an advantage over others is if they are voting and others are not. Another instance in which an advantage could be displayed is if the population of a state consists mainly of "privileged white folk". If this is the case that the journalists of the New York Times are referring to, how would this be considered an injustice? 

Hillary Clinton herself stated, “I believe strongly that in a democracy, we should respect the will of the people." Very well then, if the people out voting are made up of mostly conservatives, it only makes sense that our candidate is to come out a victor. It only makes sense that citizens exercising their voice in an election through voting are shown clearly in the election results. 

The seemingly ominous electoral college serves many practical purposes. It is in place to prevent the horror of constant recounts that would result in an election consisting of only the popular vote. It exists to prevent an overwhelming advantage to states with large populations. 

Imagine how simple it would be to rig an election if we only counted the popular vote. Warren Mass, a journalist for New American, wrote an article with indisputable proof that 3 million illegals voted in this 2016 election. Not only that; 4 million more people unknowing voted this year. They were not aware of this issue because they were dead!

With the electoral college we have in place, voter fraud such as this will not always count for enough to tip the scales in favor of a cheater in several states. However, the 7 million known cases of voter fraud this election could greatly influence the results in an election consisting of only the popular vote.

It is tragic that cheating has to be taken into account when considering the most practical form of democracy, however, it is still wise to consider that some candidates can and will do anything in order to get into office. 

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