Saturday, February 25, 2017

X Marx the Socialist

Have you ever been in the trying situation in which you are put in charge of two fighting children? Eventually, you may realize there is more you need to stop than squabbling- you need to keep these kids from MURDING EACHOTHER! Now, the last thing you should say is "shut up and play nice! Just love each other!!!" No, no, no. That does not- will not- ever work (this is me speaking from experience). Just as you can not force two children to play nice, you can not force human fraternity.

 Leszek Kolakowsk's article What is Left of Socialism? explains that "There has never been, and there will never be, an institutional means of making people brothers." I agree that no man can make a society sit around a campfire and sing "Kumbaya". Everyone has differing beliefs. It is that very diversity that makes capitalistic societies more prosperous than socialist societies.
I do not pretend to understand all of Marxism, socialism, and communism. However, I will elaborate on my understanding of the concept based upon my reading of Kolakowsk's article.

Marxism (the economic and political theories of Karl Marx) is important to know about because it is the idea that paved the theory and practice of communism, which is still in operation today in Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea and China. It is for this reason that Karl Marx's ideologies are essential for us to comprehend.
Image result for karl marx

It is also important to be enlightened on these communist theories in order to not repeat them. Some people may unwittingly long for the economically stagnating order of government that is socialism.
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Socialism leaves no room for diversity and prosperity. As Leszek put it, "Marxism knows only one cure for monopolies, and that is a  single  monopoly." In every Utopian society ever imagined, a dictatorship simply must ensue. There is no other way for everything to be "perfect" because perfection is in the eye of the beholder. Since each person is different, every "beholder" will have a differing interpretation of what society should look like. Hence, anything other than an authoritarian government collapses upon itself.

It is in this way that socialism is, as Kolakowski says, a "tantamount to a kingdom of lies." Lies always have an interesting appeal to them. In some way or another, they will try to make themselves attractive enough to creep their way into the minds of the masses. "College should be free." "Abortion will protect woman's rights." "Love is love." "Offensive people should not speak." Sound familiar? Do not be deceived and eat this chocolate coated... donkey doo. 
Image result for you sit on a throne of lies
Yes, with differing beliefs we may seem to constantly be at each other's throats. Tell me, though, what is worse? To be at odds, yet have the freedom to express ideas of our own or to be forced to "play nice" yet have no diversity of opinions or increase of ideas and economic successes?

I admire Karl Marx in the sense that he was excellent at voicing what he believes. At the same time, I am grateful that I am able to read his works with a filter of understanding what is better for society as a whole which is the freedom of individuals to grow in the way they choose to.

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