Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Swampy Shenanigans

The Clinton-Trump presidential candidate debate aired on CNN December 26, 2016, sparking the interest of Americans and others worldwide. The first presidential debate featured the only female presidential candidate who has made it this far-Hillary Clinton- and business a man who has previously not involved in politics-Donald Trump. Let us not forget Lester Holt, who may have played a little more than his part as host of this event.

Image result for lester holt debate

I have noticed that many Americans do not prefer either candidate featured in this debate. This is when I started to ask myself how each nominee made it to where they are at. Hillary, being wedged in the political system for 30-some years now, appears to have the upper hand in swaying voters and pleasing crowds. She was a possible choice in the 2008 election and the 67th U.S. secretary of state. Clinton gathered much publicity through her positions and simply being a woman. Her policies ostensibly do not call for an immense change in the United State's status quo.

Image result for trump clinton debate

Trump's political background, or lack thereof, greatly contrasts Hillary's experience. Donald's 2016 presidential campaign is his first time personally running for a political position. Any other bureaucratic participation he may have branches from his involvement as a business man and citizen. Any viewer will find it nearly impossible to dismiss Trump's flamboyancy. He has accumulated popularity by means of his colorful personality and his passionate need to shake the state of affairs in America's economy.

Why are both options are seen as undesirable to the people? "Crooked Hillary" earned her nickname by carrying out the role of a dishonest politician willing to try anything to make it in the big leagues. Citizens are discovering her willingness to change policies and be a lenient are part of a ploy to please the undecided voters. Whereas Trump is presented as a man who firmly stands on his policies and ideas that will "make America great again". His unwillingness to budge on, for example, foreign policies and unpracticed skills on political correctness oftentimes leave Donald looking like a raging toddler.

Each successor, seemingly pedantic, made it this far for a reason. They are both very animated figures in government and did well hanging on the rickety roller-coaster of democracy long enough to ride up to the first presidential candidate debate. People seem fed up with the heated arguments of these two and often in the process forget that a nation without debates is not free. The American republic is open to messy, abstruse, discussions because we have liberty.

Who is the better choice? Essentially, it boils down to keeping the status quo or drastically changing it.

Picture America as the stagnant water in a swamp. Algae is continually collecting on this water. This water has been dirty for a while now and people are afraid to disturb it in fear that new problems will arise in removing the grime in the swamp. There are legitimate reasons for not wanting to change the water. After all, there could be unseen epidemics that could occur from changing the ecosystem of the marsh. However, the people are disgusted with swimming in the contaminated swamp and will not stand for it any longer.

Image result for trump this is my swamp

United States citizens are fed up with the tired political policies of politicians that fail to better our economy. America is hungry for change.

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